(JP)ストリートアーティストAITO KITAZAKIの10年間の軌跡
その全てを収録した自身初となる作品集その名も「YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU TRY」。
”やってみなければわからない”と題されたタイトル通り、日本人ストリートアーティストとしてキャリアをスタートさせたロンドンに始まり、10か国以上を股に掛け常に不可能に挑み続けた彼の挑戦の日々とそこで生み出された渾身の作品達が余すことなく収録されている完全版。今回の初版数量限定版はクラウドファンディングプロジェクトにより、世界20か国167名の支援者によって実現した1000冊限定の自主制作本であり、初版限定版に限りAITO KITAZAKI直筆サインとエディションナンバーが刻まれている特別バージョン。
値段 : 5500円(税込)
サイズ : 縦260mm×横210mm×厚さ2cm
収録作品 : 120作品以上
初版特典 : AITO KITAZAKI直筆サインとエディションナンバー入り
言語 : 日本語
(EN)10 years of street artist AITO KITAZAKI
The title of the book is "YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU TRY", which is the first collection of his works that includes all of his works.
As the title "YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU TRY" implies, this is a collection of his challenging days, starting in London, where he started his career as a Japanese street artist, and continuing in more than 10 countries, always challenging the impossible, and the works he produced there. This is the complete edition that contains all of his works. This limited edition is a self-produced book limited to 1,000 copies, which was made possible through a crowdfunding project by 167 supporters from 20 countries around the world.
Price: 5500 yen (tax included)
Size : 260 mm (H) x 210 mm (W) x 2 cm (D)
Total number of pages : 240 pages
Included works : more than 120 works
First edition bonus : Signed by AITO KITAZAKI and numbered edition
Language : Japanese
Limited to 1000 copies
※Please note that due to the international situation, in some areas the means of delivery is limited to sea freight and it may take longer for the goods to arrive.
*Tax included.
*Limit of 1 per order.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.